Southern Indiana Wildflower Walks

April’s Virtual Wildflower Walk brought so many positive comments that we have added a second part this month. Most of the flowers in this month’s issue were photographed in April of 2001. If you missed the area wildflower walks last month, you can still catch the Trillium Wildflower Hike at Hayes Arboretum in Richmond on May 5th, (812-962-3745) or Madison in Bloom Spring Garden Tour on May 5th and 6th (812-265-2335). We hope you enjoy all that nature has to offer this month.

Photographs and text by Carolyn Rahe

Click Here to
Begin the Virtual Spring Wildflower Walk

Sources: Wildflowers of Indiana Woodlands, by Sylvan T. Runkel and Alvin F. Bull. Copyright 1979, Iowa State University Press

Field Guide to Indiana Wildflowers, by Kay Yatskievych. Copyright 2000, Indiana University Press

The Garden Encyclopedia, edited by E.L.D. Seymour, B.S.A. Copyright, 1936, Wm. H. Wise & Co

All Feature Articles, artwork and photographs ©2001 by Dervish Design. Some information on the 'County Info' pages is taken directly from brochures published by Visitors Bureaus and Chambers of Commerce.