
Travel Tip # 55: Do not go near bus (not for the reason you might think)

It only takes one time to be struck somewhere on your body by a freshly prepared hot pipping loog sent flying from a passing bus with craftsmanship to understand why I recommend avoiding near bus India. Buses are a mainstay of the Indian move millions of passengers every day transport, passengers who live in a society where spitting is a normal feature of life. You can even classify it as the usual Great Indian Spitting bus.

Countless articles have been written about this “epidemic”, which infuriated many. Curiously, the same people sitting around on street corners or in the shade of their favorite tree in the nearby parks to discuss their dissatisfaction with spit, when powerful way to chew Paan, verbally throwing huge amounts of saliva produced red stitched in strong currents overlooking the surrounding terrain. Love has also been adopted to avoid the disaster spread spat has led this nation of the gods. With almost no space left to spit in public, millions of Indians forced to seek refuge on board the bus moves from village to village and city block to block cities, all in the face of free preparation of larger, more disgusting to see red and white BLOB’ve colored ever seen.

Do not believe me? Squat policeman near a crowded bus stop. Discover red stained sides of buses through the streets of India. Before the big metal box on wheels completely stop in trouble, you can hear and see attic steaming liquid falling to the ground below. Add doomed voyage tourists disease (or any other disease), which has no place to lose not only out of an open window.

Yes, it’s a known fact among the Indians, you do not just go close to the line. This does not mean that the Indians deliberately sent to fly saliva passes through the direction of pedestrians. Quite the contrary. It is simply a question of numbers. With the many now split board’s buses in India as a water pistol with Tourette syndrome. Enter the distance moving and parked in a line, keep your eyes focused on the window’s height is a preventive, and never ever go down the length of two parallel parked in a line.

Written by Avila Lari in: Uncategorized |
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